The Chowning's Tavern on a November Evening

by Rachel Morrison
The Chowning's Tavern on a November Evening
Rachel Morrison
A cold November evening at Chowning's Tavern on the Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.
January 5th, 2024
Comments (12)

Kathy M Krause
Amazing night capture of this tavern, Rachel! Enjoy your composition, the softness of the lights, and the details of the brick sidewalk and surrounding scene! Exceptional! F/L

Ben Prepelka
Such an inviting street scene! I love the warm street lights and the contrasting cold sky! Fav!

Holly April Harris
Beautiful!! I am very pleased to feature your fantastic artwork in the group ‘Covered Bridges and Historical Buildings.’ Please add it to the “2024 First Quarter FEATURED IMAGE Collection” thread in the discussions area to record and display your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 1/11/24
Rachel Morrison replied:
Thank you very much for the kind feature in the Covered Bridges and HIstorical Buildings group, Holly!