Playing Lambs in Wildflowers

by Rachel Morrison
Playing Lambs in Wildflowers
Rachel Morrison
Leicester Longwool lambs run and play in a buttercup field in the evening in Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.
1st Place - Happiness Is contest - 03/23
2nd Place Tied in Good Shepherd, Sheep, Shearing, Gates & Pastures contest - 06/06/22
April 19th, 2020
Comments (54)

Elizabeth Pennington
This image in so adorable - great capture - the Lamb looks as if he/she is doing a jig/dance!! Love this!! L/F

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… IMAGES WITH 500 OR MORE VIEWS! F/L

Hanne Lore Koehler
What fun to be a lamb in spring! Fantastic capture, Rachel! L/F/Vote
Rachel Morrison replied:
Would be fun to join them! I very much appreciate your kind support, Hanne!

Alinna Lee
Wonderful photo. awesome timing to capture this movement. This light and the flower come together beautifully. Voted.

Angeles M Pomata
What a bright, graceful, and delicate photo, Rachel!! I absolutely love the mood of this precious capture! L/F/X/Pin/FB

Gary F Richards
Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… INTENT TO CAPTURE ANIMALS AT PLAY CONTEST! F/L

Rachel Morrison
Thank you so very much to the customer from Spring Hill, TN for your purchase of a Coffee Mug!