Golden Spring Blossoms

by Rachel Morrison
Golden Spring Blossoms
Rachel Morrison
White cherry blossoms with the setting sun in the spring.
'Administrator’s Special PIX of the Week' in Pixels Promotion group - 07/12/22
First Place Tie in Flowers White Red Golden Purple Magenta Blue...Contest - 06/01/22
Third Place Tie in FAA Artwork Sold in January 2022 Contest - 02/13/22
April 26th, 2021
Comments (49)

Hanne Lore Koehler
Fantastic capture of sunlight through these gorgeous cherry blossoms, Rachel! L/F/X

Brian Tada
Outstanding features of light and splendor in this glorious springtime blossoms portrait, Rachel! Magnificent!

Kay Brewer
Congratulations on your work's selection as an Admin Pick of the Week in the Pixels Promotion group!

Jenny Revitz Soper
BRAVO! Your artwork has earned a FEATURE on the homepage of The Artists Group, 7/12/2022!

Brooks Garten Hauschild
Congratulations on your homepage feature in ‘PIXELS Promotion’, Rachel! I’m also sharing this light-filled floral image in my ‘Administrator’s Special PIX of the Week’ thread today! You are welcome to share your featured work in any other group thread that fits. Fvl.
Rachel Morrison replied:
Thank you so much for choosing my image for Administrators Special PIX of the week, Brooks!

Marty Morales
Splendid cherry blossoms capture, color, and composition, Rachel. Lovely glowing light. l/f

Morris Finkelstein
Stunning floral photograph with great light and shadows, perspective, and composition, Rachel! F/L